LMC Volunteers

Do you have a little extra time each month? Do you want to get a glimpse of your student's school day? Consider volunteering in the Windsor Library Media Center (LMC)!  In the LMC, you will help organize and maintain books, and other tasks as needed.  


There will be a morning (9:30 - 11:30 a.m.) shift and an afternoon (12:45-3:20 p.m.) shift on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We are looking for one volunteer per shift. If your time allows, you may consider signing up for a recurring shift, such as every first Monday or every other Wednesday. If you are new to volunteering or it is the first time you are in the building this year, you will be asked to present a photo ID at the front office when you arrive for your first shift. Please remember to check in at the office and receive your visitor badge at the beginning of every shift and to return the badge and checkout at the end. This must be worn for the duration of the time you are in the building. If you are working in the afternoon, you will not be able to pick up your student(s) early. You will need to meet them outside at your usual pickup location.


Please see sign up to volunteer here. As a reminder, these volunteer spots are flexible. If you cannot stay the entire shift, that is fine. Please feel free to contact Jennifer Ma chinjennifer@yahoo.com & Julie Tatum jules37627@hotmail.com with any questions. Thanks in advance for your interest in the LMC!