Multicultural Week 2025
Schedule of Events
Multicultural Specials Classes: Monday to Friday, March 10th-14th
Students will participate in an exciting week of multicultural festivities during their Specials classes (Art, Music, PE & LMC)!
'Bollywood & Culture Groove' All-School Assembly: Tuesday, March 11th from 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
We are excited to welcome Bollywood & Culture Groove to Windsor. All students will have the opportunity to learn about South Asian culture through a special & joyful presentation from this talented dance company.
'Windsor’s World!' Thursday, March 13th from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Join us for a wonderful night of celebrating all of our Windsor students and their families. ‘Windsor’s World!’ offers all of our students an opportunity to share their personal cultures and traditions with our community. Students are invited to create a display board to share something special about their family’s cultural traditions, walk around the Windsor Commons to learn about the rich and diverse cultures that make up our Windsor community, taste some delicious foods, and view traditional clothing, instruments and artifacts. Learn more and register here.
Questions? Please email Suchi Joshi Soni (