Project Linus

project linus

Please join us for Project Linus
Saturday, February 3rd
3:00pm -5:00pm in the commons

Please bring 1.5 yards of fleece to make blankets for children in need. Please choose a pattern for a boy or a neutral pattern. The fleece MUST be new and free from smoke, pet hair/dander, and nut products. Please bring sharp scissors and yard stick if possible. Parents must accompany children.

Individuals with disabilities should notify the principal if they have a disability that will require special assistance or services.

NOTICE: This event is solely sponsored by the PTA. School staff may not be present and have no responsibility for the event. Please direct all inquiries or concerns to the sponsoring PTA.

Contact Michele Knudson at, Catherine Rigney at , or Jen Bott at with questions.

Project Linus Flyer

Categories: News