Important Information for Windsor’s World Participants

Thank you for signing up for ‘Windsor’s World: Celebrating US!’ Multicultural Night, taking place in the Windsor Commons on Thurs, March 7th from 6:30-7:30pm, followed by the 4th grade drumming performance in the Gym from 7:30-8:00pm!

At the bottom is a brief guide and some ideas/considerations as your family prepares their trifold display. We anticipate each display will be as unique as the family that’s making them! Feel free to include anything you like: pictures, stories, holidays celebrated, languages spoken, fun facts about your family, etc. 

Other helpful information:

– Trifold display boards are available in the front office – please feel free to stop by and pick one up!

– Just like the Science Fair, we ask that you please drop off your completed display board to the front office on Wednesday, March 6th afternoon from 3:35 to 4:00pm OR Thursday, March 7th morning from 8:15-8:50am.

– If you could kindly label the back of your board with your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name, that would be so helpful!

– We ask that your family arrive at 6:15pm on March 7th to set up your table (with food, artifacts, etc)

– We will have the following compostable items available for you to distribute food samples: 300 small plates, 200 forks, 200 spoons, 1000 toothpicks, napkins, and 800 small 3 ounce cups. 

A special note from Mrs. Anastacio regarding food allergies: 

During Windsor’s World, Windsor staff, administration and PTA are not monitoring foods being brought in for food allergies or food safety. Parents should monitor children with food allergies. You are welcome to bring an alternative snack, if required. 

Thank you again for being an important part of Windsor’s World and Multicultural Week. We currently have 45 students signed up to make display boards (hooray!), and hope to have many more sign up over the next few days. Please encourage your friends to sign up. We are extremely excited for this event, and are so appreciative of your participation! 

Please feel free to email or text us with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Warm Regards,

Suchi Joshi Soni & Melissa Buchberger,

On behalf of the Multicultural Week & Windsor’s World Planning Committee

Contact info:


919.520.5621 (cell)


(224) 436-4339 (cell)


What is culture?

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life for a particular person or group of people (i.e., a family unit, neighborhood community, school community, group of people from a certain geography / ethnicity / racial background, etc.).

These “ways of life” can be passed down from generation to generation, and can evolve over time; they can also be new traditions.

These “ways of life” include, but are not limited to:

Art – for example: Origami, Henna, Rangoli, etc

Music / Songs – for example: music instruments from around the world: sitar, harmonium, african drums, maracas, haegeum; birthday and holiday songs from around the world, etc.

Customs / Traditions – for example: lighting a menorah during Hanukkah, lighting diyas during Diwali, gift giving during birthdays or Christmas, monday night chilli and football, friday movie and pizza night, Superbowl parties, etc 

Food – for example: Creole food like Jambalaya, Chicago style hotdogs, Ethiopian injera, New York style pizza, French crepes, Korean bbq, Chinese bao, Japanese sushi, Indian chai, etc

Sports / Board Games – for example, Mancala, Carom, Ludo, Monopoly, Chess, Baseball, Football/soccer, American football, Cricket, Golf, Sumo wrestling, Curling, etc

Rituals – for example: rituals performed at the time of birth, adulthood, marriage, etc; baptism, quinceanera, bah mitzvah, etc

Holidays – Kwanzaa, Eid, Ramadan, Diwali, Christmas, Lunar New Year, Hanukkah, Simbang Gabi, Las Posadas, Dongzhi festival, Holi, Mardi Gras, etc 

Religion – for example, Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, etc.

Clothing / dress – for example: Kilts, Saris, Kimonos, Sports gear, Flamenco dresses, Jeans and t-shirts, etc

Language – for example: English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Korean, Arabic, etc. 

Dance – for example: Bachata, Salsa, Jazz, Irish dance, Garba/Raas, Hip hop, Bhangra, Ballet, Tap, Samba, Flamenco, Bharatnatyam, Waltz, Belly dance, Country line dance

Stories / Literature – for example: Stories that have been passed down through generations; Popular books, etc

Example display boards made by teachers:


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